Monday, November 06, 2006

Vote for "my boy"

On the eve of the election - here is an email conversation I had with a neo-con ex-co-worker this morning:
ex-co-worker: "I saw Sean Hannity at the Pabst Theatre on Friday - What a great American. I should have given you a call to see if you wanted to go. I hope you have come to your senses finally and will vote for my boy on Tuesday." puba: "Never. You and all your "angry white men" buddies will continue to vote for politicians whose policies benefit only you (i.e. a surging stock market - for the few who have money to invest, lower taxes - for the few who own enough in the corporate sector, and going to war to consolidate and concentrate Presidental power while blasting any and all criticism). Your "boys" continue to orchestrate issues that are designed to divide us rather than unite us - over fringe issues such as the death penalty, gay rights, and concealed carry. As for me, I'll continue to vote for politicians whose policies reflect what most people believe is important in America (finding a way out of an immoral war, making health care and prescription drugs affordable, and raising the minimum wage) - policies that will unite us in working for the common good. Have a wonderful election day." ex-co-worker: "blah blah blah"
He summed up his position quite well, I think :) Don't forget to vote tomorrow!


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